
狮語专访 | 卞青 : 答应与常在 Artist Interview | Bian Qing

香港狮語画廊 狮語画廊

艺术家专访 Artist Interview 

对话艺术家 |卞青





Installation View




Installation View




Installation View




Installation View






Installation View




Installation View




Installation View

Artist Interview|Bian Qing

Q: Firstly, I would like to ask for your thoughts on the title of this exhibition, "Awaiting".

Bian Qing: I believe it carries a sense of time, that we all are waiting for a certain special feeling to arrive — only when that feeling arises can everything else follow. "Feeling" refers to the corresponding emotions in the present moment, which requires waiting. However, I think during this process of waiting, it is not a state of tension but rather a relatively relaxed state, a natural and unconscious discovery. Sometimes, being too deliberate may lead to an opposite effect. For example, when we deliberately seek something delicious at a restaurant, it becomes harder for us to find, but there may be a moment when you happen to encounter it, awakening a certain feeling or memory. 

Since everything is interconnected, in a certain moment when you open your senses, you may perceive many things that correspond to you. When you close yourself off, these things in fact still exist, only that you cannot feel them. In reality, when you have a need, everything responds to you; when you are in doubt, everything provides you with answers. It's just that some people are more sensitive, while others are relatively less perceptive, so they don't notice it.


Installation View

Q: I first became acquainted with your work through your landscape pieces. This time, there seems to be a significant shift in both form and content compared to your previous works. Could you please discuss this transformation?

Bian Qing: In reality, my current works are still landscapes, but the landscapes have come closer to me. Now, I've returned to things that are closer to me, which are more casual and light-hearted in nature.

Q: Since when did you start creating this series of artworks? Additionally, could you describe how each of your artworks begins and ends?

Bian Qing: I began working on these artworks approximately four years ago in 2020. It went through several stages and involved various processes before I achieved what I desired. For each of my artworks, it starts primarily with capturing an image, seeking a feeling from my daily life. Once I sense that feeling at a certain moment, I can begin creating. Similarly, the ending is also guided by a particular sensation.


Installation View

Q: In this series of artworks, there is a predominant use of yellow and green tones. Could you please explain the selection process for these colors?

Bian Qing: The yellow used in these artworks is actually similar to the light yellow often seen in landscape paintings. This may be influenced by the material I use, Chinese rice paper, as even the quick sketches I make on the rice paper tend to have a similar color. Additionally, I find a connection between this yellow and the shade of yellow found in Taoist talismans. As for the green, it naturally emerged during the process of mixing colors and is inseparable from the yellow tone.

Q: In the Chinese painting system, there are often distinctions made in terms of the temperature of colors, two-dimensionality versus three-dimensionality, abstraction versus realism, and so on. However, I feel that your creative process goes beyond these scientific and external frameworks. It seems that you discover and select subjects for your artwork from a more internal perspective. Is that how you see it?

Bian Qing: Indeed, it is a matter of "perception", It involves waiting for the moment when there is resonance between the waiting and the feeling.

Q: So are these artworks considered as sketches?

Bian Qing: Some of the artworks involve partial sketching, while others do not. There isn't any specific requirement for me to consider whether or not I make sketches for a particular piece. Sometimes, I feel like it's appropriate to make sketches, and in those instances, I do so. On the contrary, if I don't feel the need for it, I simply don’t do any of it. Ultimately, it's based on my feelings. Some images can be very specific and in-depth, while others may not require that level of detail. This applies to both materials and styles. I don't impose strict limitations on them and I rely entirely on my feelings at a particular moment to determine what something is and how it should be created. It's essentially using ancient divination methods, like casting hexagrams, to derive symbolic interpretations, and then applying those to discuss current events. 


Installation View

Q: In one of your artworks, an image initially appeared to be a dragon fruit, but now it resembles a chili pepper. How do you perceive these changes in the painting process?

Bian Qing: When I initially sought an image in that particular painting, I intended to depict a seashell. At the same time, I also wanted to portray a dragon fruit. So I presented the form of a seashell and added the colors of a dragon fruit. These "images" can be layered as in the pear on the right side of the painting is actually a combination of a peach and a pear. These choices stem from the feelings I had at that moment, where I felt that it merged two different elements. The depiction of things can be highly variable because painting is different from scientific experiments. It is a highly liberating process.

Q: In your artworks, objects are generally presented in pairs or trios. How do you establish the relationships between these objects?

Bian Qing: When I draw, I push each object forward and apply colors starting from specific areas. After completing one image, the next one may arise from a different moment or feeling. Therefore, when these objects are placed together, I don't deliberately consider the specific relationships between them. I believe that placing them together naturally generates a certain relationship, without the need to consciously use colors to establish it. When I draw, I don't think about how the other image should be depicted. The composition naturally creates a sense of disintegration rather than unification within a system. For me, this is a form of freedom.

关于艺术家 | About the Artist

卞青 Bian Qing




他近年参与的部分群展包括:2023年在无集画廊及狮语画廊举办的《山脊Mountain Ridge》(上海);2023年在宋庄当代艺术文献馆举办的当代艺术展《向前展》(北京);2023年在仓美术馆举办的《向前展》(杭州);2022年在AC艺文立方举办的《后传统:想象、转译与重构》(成都);2021年在狮语画廊举办的《绘事新编》(上海);2020年在农展馆举办的北京当代艺术展《形势巴洛克》(北京);2018年在农展馆举办的北京当代艺术展《超传统》(北京);2017年在意大利曼特尼亚美术馆举办的《无界》(意大利);2016年在西安美术馆举办的《无常之常–东方经验与当代艺术》(西安)等。

Bian Qing was born in Tianjin, China in 1983. He currently lives and works in Beijing, China. 

Bian graduated from the College of Fine Arts at Minzu University of China in 2009. Bian's paintings should not be classified as sketches, which aims to depict objects in a close-to-reality manner, although this operation relies on the senses as a medium. Bian does not believe in a singular, idealized reality. However, it is difficult to label his paintings as "subjective". Bian does not attempt to express emotions. His unique working method lies in his grasp of the "rules of sensibility".

Some of his recent solo exhibitions include: Mountain Wave, Asia Art Centre, Beijing, 2017; Qi, Ginko Art Centre, Beijing, 2016; Anthology of Hidden Mountains, China International Gallery Exposition, Beijing, 2014; Something from Nothing, Today Art Museum, Beijing, 2012 among others.

His group exhibitions include: Mountain Ridge, WS Gallery and Leo Gallery, Shanghai, 2023; Moving Forward, Songzhuang Contemporary Art Archive, Beijing, 2023; Moving Forward, Cang Art Museum, Hangzhou, 2023, Post-tradition: Imagine, Translate and Reconstruct, AC Cube, Chengdu, 2022; Paintings Redrawn, Leo Gallery, Shanghai, 2021; Situation Baroque, Agricultural Exhibition Center, Beijing, 2020; Beyond Tradition, Agricultural Exhibition Center, Beijing, 2018; Unbounded, Casa del Mantegna, Italy, 2017; Confronting Anitya, Oriental Experience in Contemporary Art, Xi’an Art Museum, 2016 among many others.

关于策展人 | About the Curator

杨紫 Yang Zi

杨紫,独立策展人,毕业于南京大学哲学系及宗教系。他于2020年获选为首届「希克中国艺术研究资助计划」研究学者;2019、2021年担任年度华宇青年奖初选评审;2017年入围Hyundai Blue Prize年度艺术大奖;2022年任上海科技大学创意与艺术学院首位访问学者;2020及2023年担任画廊周北京评审。

杨紫拥有近十年的艺术评论写作及策展经验,2011年任《艺术界LEAP》杂志编辑,并长期为《艺术界LEAP》、《艺术论坛》中文网和《艺术新闻中文版》等杂志撰写文章。杨紫也曾担任UCCA尤伦斯当代艺术中心策展人及公共计划总监,策划多场展览及公共计划活动,包括参与策划了《例外:中国境况与艺术考察2017》、《Pity Party》、《敢当:当代神石注疏》、《韶华》、《装饰》等群展,以及许多艺术家个展。

Yang Zi, an independent curator, graduated from the Department of Philosophy and the Department of Religion at Nanjing University. He was selected as a research scholar for the inaugural "Sigg Fellowship for Chinese Art Research" in 2020. He served as a preliminary judge for the Annual Huayu Youth Award in 2019 and 2021. In 2017, he was shortlisted for the Hyundai Blue Prize for Annual Art Award. In 2022, he became the first visiting scholar at the School of Creativity and Art at ShanghaiTech University. He also served as a jury member for Gallery Weekend Beijing in 2020 and 2023.

With nearly ten years of experience in art criticism writing and curating, Yang Zi was an editor for the art magazine "LEAP" in 2011. He has written and contributed articles to various magazines, including "LEAP," "Art Forum" Chinese website, and "The Art Newspaper." Yang Zi has also worked as a curator and director of public programs at UCCA Ullens Center for Contemporary Art, organizing numerous exhibitions and public programs. His curatorial projects include involvement in exhibitions such as "The New Normal: China, Art, and 2017," "Pity Party," "Land of the Lustrous," "Shao Hua," "Decoration," as well as many solo exhibitions by artists.

当前展览 Current Exhibitions

上海 Shanghai

香港 Hong Kong

狮語画廊丨上海  Leo Gallery Shanghai上海徐汇区武康路376号武康庭内Ferguson Lane, 376 Wu Kang Road, Xuhui District Shanghai 200031, China.Tues-Sun: 11am-6.30pm (Public Holidays Closed)+86(21)54653261 Shanghai@leogallery.com.cn www.leogallery.com.cn 狮語画廊丨香港 Leo Gallery Hong Kong香港上环西街46号 Sheung Wan, 46 Sai Street, Hong KongMon-Sat 11am-6.30pm (Public Holidays Closed)  +852 28032333 hongkong@leogallery.com.cnwww.leogallery.com.cn


